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Our Extracts

We manufacture the highest grade of kratom extracts for a wide range of usage.  Improving on simple powdered leave, our NATIVE EXTRACTS offer concentration of the active compounds, thus providing enhanced, targeted effects.

Native extracts are materials consisting only of components native to the original plant or naturally formed during extraction, excluding any excipients or other added substances.


Kratom, Mitragyna speciosa leaves have been used for centuries in Southeast Asia for medicinal and therapeutic purposes.  At Botanic Naturals International we take great pride and joy in bringing naturally sourced alternatives to new and wider markets.


At BNI, we offer Crushed or powdered leaf material, and extracts of leaf materials, which has been dried into a powder. Our purified TENx extract and our Concentrated extracts of Mitragyna speciosa leaves are native extracts that are concentrated in the active compounds found in the leaves to produce stronger, targeted effects


Our Process


The tradition of making botanical extracts dates back thousands of years to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. These civilizations used various methods to extract the beneficial compounds from plants for medicinal and therapeutic purposes.


Today, botanical extracts are still widely used for their therapeutic properties, however, it is important to note that not all botanical extracts are created equal, and it is important to use high-quality extracts that have been carefully prepared and tested for safety and composition.


Overall, the concept of synergy in herbal medicine highlights the importance of using a holistic approach to health and wellness, one that takes into account the complex interactions between different natural substances and the body. 

Our Commitment

Botanic Naturals international remains committed to the real time science and credibility for all our products.  To this end, we remain up to date with all there is to know in the global extract market, to ensure we bring you the highest and safest quality of extracts.

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